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eCard Selection

We have partnered with an industry leader with more than 30 years' experience crafting memorable ecard designs. No matter where you are located in the world, our flexible sending system allows you to personalize each and every card sent.

For ideas and inspiration, visit our online catalog or connect with us today to find out how we can work with you to create a customized design that fits your budget.

Stock and Custom eCards - Starting at $1100

    All designs offer the following features:
  • Includes a custom message
  • Includes your logo animated within the design
  • A link to your website
  • Make color, pacing and copy modifications to customize to your brand standards
  • A clickable thumbnail for you to easily distribute to your clients
  • Guaranteed to play on all devices, including mobile and full screen version for easy viewing
  • Our Guarantee - we will not sell the same card to your direct competitor in your area